404 :<

Ahh yes, halloween
the only month where everything
is sponk'd


but, where did it come from?!
Well one day (2,004) years ago,
a man made a bet with the devil,
he told him "i'll give you [Redacted] IF you let
me go to heaven". When
he died, god did not allow him to go to heaven,
due to the promise he made he also
could not go to hell, he was left in
a limbo sate, where he isn't in
Heaven or HELL, the devil felt
sorry for him and gavehim
AAA................... CARVED!!!! PUMPK- turnip....
the devil gave him a carved turnip,
anyways it was said that ghosts
and gouls wore able to reserect
from the dead on OCT 30th, therefor. People
placed food on their steps to make
the gouls not kill them, thats also
how "trick or treat" came from
"Trick" is "die" and "Treat" is "food".. "Die
or food", the "food" part
eventually turned into candy
and instead of killing the people who
didn't give them the eDiBlE oBjEcT, they now do nothing, and
also the gouls / ghosts are now kids dressed in costumes

404 :<



sorces : Wiki, History.com, MIT